


发布时间:2022-06-21  点击:



















Charity Mwathi

Nimen Hao!

Ladies and gentlemen from different continents and nations,

My name is Charity Mwathi from Kenya, Africa. On behalf of the International Relations class of 2022, I would like to welcome all faculty, alumni, friends, family, and distinguished guests. What a pleasure it is to have you all present here for this momentous occasion.

There is an African proverb that says ‘there are no shortcuts to the top of the palm tree.’ I am sure my fellow students would agree that there were no shortcuts that led to this fruitful day. From the application process to finally beginning our Masters’ journey at Jilin University. From our shared challenge of maneuvering online learning due to Coronavirus to adjusting to the different time zones and staying focused. From the comprehensive readings for various courses, to the thought-provoking discussions, and seminars we participated in. To the extensive research done for our various theses. As an international student, I am sure we all challenged ourselves especially when we had the mandatory Mandarin classes.

Well, my fellow graduates, we finally made it to the top of the palm tree! Congratulations to you all! The aerial view from here is a testament to our hard work and resilience. A stepping stone to not only increased opportunities, career advancement, and earning potential. But also being a step closer to being the change that we need and to create an impact in the world. I am so honored to have shared classes with some of the future leaders of the world. In fact, I look forward to bragging about how I used to study with the presidents to be, the ministers, diplomats, analysts, translators, specialists, lawyers, businessmen. Go forth and conquer, for the world is smaller, we need each other, cooperation is the key.

On behalf of the students, having completed our masters, I would like to say that none of this would have been possible without the great support of the School of International and Public Affairs. To the faculty, your tireless work has paved the way for each student to have the best experience possible. To our lecturers, thank you for equipping us with knowledge. To our supervisors, thank you for guiding us. Thank you Professor Yan Zhen. Xiexie nimen.

And above all, thank you God.

I look forward to one day visiting the Jilin Campus in Changchun province, China.

Thank you for this opportunity